Think your business is too small for digital workforce management?
Each day the 440,000 employees of UPS deliver around 18.3 million packages throughout the globe. With 1,800 operating bases and a fleet of 104,926 vehicles, it’s a truly head-spinning feat of management and logistics. And it’s technology that allows companies to operate so effectively on this scale, with each and every delivery tracked via GPS…

Each day the 440,000 employees of UPS deliver around 18.3 million packages throughout the globe. With 1,800 operating bases and a fleet of 104,926 vehicles, it’s a truly head-spinning feat of management and logistics.
And it’s technology that allows companies to operate so effectively on this scale, with each and every delivery tracked via GPS and digital management systems used to coordinate operations.
But what if you don’t have nearly half-a-million employees; what if you’re just a normal SME with a small team of mobile workers? Surely, there’s no need for fancy mobile workforce management systems for a much smaller set-up?
Well, here’s a look at why size really doesn’t matter when it comes to using smarter digital ways to manage your workers:
Business savings
The efficiency savings provided by a digital management system are the same for a company, whether they have one or one thousand employees. On average, each job handled by MyMobileWorkers provides a saving of £5 when compared against traditional paper based management.
The flexible pricing structure used by MyMobileWorkers is based on the number of workers who need to use the system, so companies only pay for the level of service they require. It’s the reason that businesses of all shapes and sizes are now using the system.
Growing pains
One of the major pitfalls faced by any growing business is not having systems which are scalable. While paper based ways of working might be manageable with a small number of employees, the problems start emerging as the team grows.
The advantage of a digital system such as MyMobileWorkers is that it’s completely scalable and provides the flexibility to grow along with your organisation. It’s able to handle, not just an increase in users, but also any move to more complex organisational set-ups.
Meeting expectations
When a customer or client pays to receive a mobile service, they’re not overly concerned about the size of the provider, what they care about is receiving a fast and efficient service.
With a digital system, a smaller business can match, or improve on, the performance of much larger companies by accessing the tools that were previously only affordable for large corporations.
Providing access to these powerful systems – incorporating GPS tracking, real time monitoring and smartphone apps – helps to level the playing field when competing against larger mobile service providers.
Safety first
It doesn’t matter how many fieldworkers you manage, you have the same Duty of Care responsibilities to ensure the safety of each and every employee. And that’s something which is hard to achieve when you have no way of knowing exactly where each mobile worker is or what they’re doing.
With a system such as MyMobileWorkers, team managers are able to keep track in real-time of any mobile workers’ location, as well as being updated on what tasks and safety checks they have completed.
The best way to find out about the benefits of using MyMobileWorkers is to see it for yourself.
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