KPI’s the road industry needs to track
This guide will ensure you have the know how when selecting the right workforce management platform.
When your workforce is mobile, it can be tricky to track performance. That is, unless you are using a digital workforce management system such as MyMobileWorkers. But with all platforms offering a whole host of different features, you can often get lost when searching for the right one.
MyMobileWorkers automatically generates accurate data on all aspects of operations, which can be used to highlight exactly how your business is performing. That’s where KPIs come in.
What are KPIs?
A KPI (or Key Performance Indicator) is a quantifiable measurement to gauge that data against. If you are achieving your KPIs, you know that business is in tip top shape. In this guide you will learn what KPIs you should be tracking as a business in the road industry.
Why use KPIs?
KPIs allow you to understand how your mobile workforce is operating.
KPIs allow your business to:
- Set achievable goals
- Accurately monitor operations
- Incentivise good work
- Identify weaknesses
- Hone performance and productivity
Effective use of KPIs can allow manages to spot problems and identify trends that would otherwise have gone unnoticed
How to choose which KPIs to track:
The right KPIs to track will vary from business to business, but keep the following in mind when making your decision:
Focus on goals
The most effective KPIs are linked to specific management targets and goals. Consider what your business wants to achieve and set KPIs based on those goals.
Use what you have
Set KPIs based on the data you have access to and figure out the best way to utilise that information.
Make it sustainable
Make sure you have the capability to track the KPI over a long period of time, with access to consistent data.
Keep it simple
Prioritise what is important to your business and focus on on a few key areas, rather than attempting to track it all.
Common KPIs to track business processes:
The right KPIs to track will vary from business to business, but keep the following in mind when making your decision:
Project Schedule Variance
This KPI will show you how much time a project is expected to take vs how much time it’s actually taking. Tracking this KPI will show you if jobs are constantly overrunning and costing you money, indicating you need to pay this area some attention.
Travel Time and Distance
Travel times are non-negotiable, but with efficient planning and scheduling you can reduce time spent traveling to and from jobs and spend more time working on them. Tracking this KPI should help you plan routes, save money on fuel and increase overall productivity.
Order Fulfilment Cycle Time
OFCT measures the time it took from job creation all the way to completion. Being able to ensure jobs are completed in a
timely manner indicates that your business and its employees are working efficiently.
Time to Schedule
Your customers want up to date scheduling information and they want it now. Gone are the days when you could get back to your clients in up to 10 working days. Tracking the time it takes to provide accurate scheduling information to your customers after
they have placed an order will enable you to avoid any frustrations and get the customer journey off to the best start.
Rework Level
This metric tracks the percentage of jobs that require further attention due to unfinished tasks or faults. Tracking this KPI can highlight areas where operatives might be cutting corners, giving management the chance to understand why.
Employee to Absence Rate
It’s true that unscheduled employee absences can cause major disruptions for a mobile workforce, but it can also be a sign of a wider problem within your operation. Collecting data on absence rates can help you identify issues that could be causing absences,
such as low morale among employees. Not only will tracking this information allow you to form better contingency plans, it will also allow you to address these issues head on.
Common KPI’s to track service processes
KPIs based on your service processes look at the outcomes of your operation and help you understand if you are meeting the required demands. This can include everything from customer feedback and satisfaction to health and safety compliance.
Productivity ratio
Productivity is the aim of the game when it comes to a mobile workforce, so tracking this KPI is vital. This metric allows you to understand how much time is spent being productive working on roads vs how much time is spent doing menial tasks such as paperwork or travelling.
Average customer rating
Customer feedback is invaluable to businesses of all industries, and the road industry is no exception. Tracking customer ratings and feedback allows you to understand how your business is performing and can highlight areas that need improvement. This metric can be used to track your employees’ performance and motivate them to work at their highest potential standard.
Customer retention rate
If your customers are using your services once but never again, you can be pretty certain that somethings gone amiss. Measuring your customer retention rate is important in understanding if you are really satisfying your customers needs.
See how MyMobileWorkers can help your business:
MyMobileWorkers is the only mobile workforce management platform that can be fully adapted to ensure job processes are followed and provides ongoing, real-time updates for you and your clients.