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Win contracts with smarter workforce management

Written by MyMobileWorkers | Feb 14, 2023 7:59:25 AM

As a customer, you can’t help it. You want to know everything – exactly where your product is, when it’s being dispatched, when it’ll arrive... 

We rightly expect to be kept fully informed about what’s happening when we pay for something.

We want to be kept in the loop - to have the reassurance that everything’s okay and if it isn’t, that any problem is spotted straight away and dealt with.

With today’s technology, there’s no real excuse for companies not to provide this level of service, and the same is true when it comes to business to business services.

If you’re a company that’s competing to win contracts, it has become a major advantage to offer this consumer level of service to your clients.

How can MyMobileWorkers help you win contracts?

  1. Online portal
  2. Compliance tracking
  3. Client support
  4. Flexible work

Online portal

This is a really powerful feature of MyMobileWorkers. It basically lets you provide clients the same access to information as you would expect from the likes of Amazon or Ebay.

Your client is able to log-in into an online portal page where they can see whatever MyMobileWorkers information you choose to share with them. You have complete control over what they can access, whether it’s scheduled jobs, task updates or delivery reports.

These details are updated in real-time, meaning your client always has the latest and most accurate information at hand. It gives them peace of mind that everything’s running smoothly as well as the ability to intervene if they spot any kind of issue.

Compliance tracking

When you’re competing for contracts, safety is always going to be a key factor. Clients need to be reassured that you’re able to deliver a safe and efficient service.

That’s something MyMobileWorkers helps you to do. The system lets you integrate safety compliance checks and reminders into the working routine of each fieldworker via the MyMobileWorkers smartphone app. It provides a much more robust and effective way to manage and monitor compliance.

It also means that you’re able to provide clients with detailed audits of who, when and where each safety check has been carried out.

Client support

You can share basic information with clients via an online portal but you’ll also have access to loads of data to help deal with any additional inquiries. From the real-time location of each mobile worker to historic details of parts ordered for specific jobs, it’s all tracked and logged by the system.

The data collected by the system provides a fantastic tool for client support managers. It lets them quickly and easily pull out the information they need to deal with any questions and queries they receive from clients.

Flexible work

Winning new contracts is only the start of the challenge - you also have to keep them. And the true test of a client relationship is when a spanner is chucked into the works - when scheduled plans are changed.

A major advantage of a mobile workforce management system is its flexibility. If a client cancels a job at short notice or wants something doing which you hadn’t scheduled for - it’s something that MyMobileWorkers can easily handle.

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